HR Practice For Payroll Practitioners

HR Practice for Payroll Practitioners

What rewards are and how best to use them in the workplace

What are rewards?


Typically covers three broad areas:

• Used as a tool to influence employee behaviour in regard to performance. • Used to reward an employee for their involvement in a positive and continuing relationship with the organisation. • Includes the monetary advantages and benefits provided by the employer. In the first sense, rewards are used to motivate , encourage , entice and even reinforce the desired behaviour and performance required of the employee by their employer in the workplace.

Without a reward, undesired behaviour and poor performance may result.

Rewards therefore:

“Are a tool of management to ensure organisational objectives and goals are achieved by their employees.”

Rewards cover a wide range of activities, including tangible and intangible elements, but whatever reward is given, it has to be seen as a reward by the employee or there is little use in giving it.

So any rewards system should:

• Provide rewards for past performance • Provide incentives for future performance

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