HR Practice For Payroll Practitioners

HR Practice for Payroll Practitioners

Conducting a development discussion As a manager responsible for managing the performance of your employees, you have a responsibility to help them develop and grow in their work. Your role includes: • Fostering and supporting team members’ work related to development aspirations • Finding development opportunities to meet team members’ job needs and readiness • Encouraging, coaching and supporting your team members through the development initiatives • Finding continuing ways for team members to utilise and apply their developmental learning at work. When you coach for development you help your employees take responsibility for their own development. The purpose of the development discussion is to define what the employee’s development needs are in relation to their job and how best to address them. Performance improvement must always be the focus when identifying a development need. Sometimes a team member will initiate a development discussion by asking if they can go on a training course or if you can arrange some training for them. Many people when they think of development immediately think of training as the solution. However, training is just one of a whole range of development activities, including:

Being Coached

• •

Informal mentoring

• Doing a project or taking on a new work assignment • Participating on a committee • Coaching another member of the team

What you are looking to do is to find the most effective, appropriate and cost-effective way of meeting the development need. Because team members are also likely to think about development in terms of training you need to question them to help them think laterally about how the development need might be met.

For example:

“That’s a possibility, how else could you achieve that development?”

“How else could you gain those skills?”

© New Zealand Payroll Practitioners Association, Sep 2024, Ver 12


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