HR Practice For Payroll Practitioners
HR Practice for Payroll Practitioners
Mandatory clauses
In order for an individual employment agreement to meet the minimum requirements by law, it must contain at least the clauses listed below, or a derivation thereof. The text below may not reflect the nature of your agreement (i.e. you may be on an hourly rate rather than a salary, or may be part-time rather than full time).
Individual employment agreement between an employer and an employee
The parties to this employment agreement are: 1. [insert employer’s name], the "Employer"; and 2. [insert employee’s name], the "Employee".
Position The Employee is being employed as [insert title of position].
Duties The Employee shall perform the duties set out in the Job Description attached to this agreement. Place of work The parties agree that the Employee shall perform their duties at [insert location of Employer’s premises]. Working hours The Employee’s hours of work shall be [insert number] hours per week on [insert days], between the hours of [insert start and finish times]. Types of pay The Employee’s salary shall be $[insert figure] per annum, which shall be paid [insert pay period] on [insert day on which payment will be made] [insert payment method]. Public holidays Example - Payment for work on a Public Holiday The Employee shall be entitled to be paid for the time actually worked on a Public Holiday at the rate of time and a half of their relevant daily pay. Employment Protection In the event of a restructuring, as defined in the Employment Relations Amendment Act (No 2) 2004 (being the sale, transfer, or contracting out of all or part of our business), that may affect your future employment, your employer will: As soon as is reasonably practicable, taking into account the commercial requirements of the business, commence negotiations with the potential new employer concerning the impact of the restructuring on your position and agree on how those negotiations will be conducted.
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