HR Practice For Payroll Practitioners

HR Practice for Payroll Practitioners

Closed Questions

Keeping questions short helps you to be clear about the information you are seeking. Your questions will be more effective if you:

• ask for only one piece of information at a time • avoid mixing, asking for information while giving information

Probe for Specifics

Sometimes you need to stay with a line of questioning until you get the specific information you want.

Using a probing line of questioning is helpful when the person being interviewed:

Is vague or obtuse

• Gives you a muddled or lengthy response • Gives generalities rather than facts

When you probe you:

• Continue to ask open questions • Repeat key words from the answer the person has just given you • Ask for examples

For example

Sometimes it can feel like you’re pulling teeth to get information out of someone. The most common error is to assume you know what the person being interviewed is talking about and to drop the line of questioning before you get to the specifics.

© New Zealand Payroll Practitioners Association, Sep 2024, Ver 12


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