HR Practice For Payroll Practitioners
HR Practice for Payroll Practitioners
Job-specific requirements
Job specific requirements describe how the employee will do their job. They give them all the information they need to do their job successfully after induction (depending on what level of skill is required by the end of induction). They may include:
➢ The main tasks of the job/position (job description) ➢ Main results and outcomes required of the position
➢ Standards and performance objectives ➢ Job procedures and the structure of work ➢ Reporting lines and workplace structure ➢ Training in specific job tasks
Human resource requirements
The human resource requirements are basically all the topics that cover the human resource area from the business point of view along with the concerns of the new employee. It includes such things as: ➢ Key human resource policy and procedures ➢ Workplace rules and how breaches will be dealt with ➢ Employee support and assistance options ➢ Any general administrative procedures and issuing of equipment The content to be included in the induction depends on the requirement for the role/position. There will be generic elements that are included in all programmes and others only for a specific role/position. This makes induction very individualised by nature because not all new employees are the same.
For example
If an ex-employee returns to work after leaving for three months will they need to do a complete induction? That depends on: ➢ Company or statutory requirements ➢ Changes in workplace processes and procedures ➢ Changes in technology
The situation may require a smaller or customised induction for that employee.
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